National Watch & Clock Museum is the largest horological society in the world.
Updating their vast and aging digital infrastructure.
We began with user research, and iteratively improved the website and web presence of the organization.
Process - UX Skills / Roles
Slack, Figma, Strapless (HTML5, CSS3, JS), Wordpress (PHP), Word, Email
Updating their vast and aging digital infrastructure.
We began with user research, and iteratively improved the website and web presence of the organization.
Process - UX Skills / Roles
- Analyze site's UUP (Utility, Usability, and Presentation)
- User Testing
- Sitemap
- Site flow
- Content Strategy
- Brand
- Components
- Mockups
- Prototype
- Marketing Workflow
- User Testing
- Sitemap
- Site flow
- Content Strategy
- Brand
- Components
- Mockups
- Prototype
- Marketing Workflow
Slack, Figma, Strapless (HTML5, CSS3, JS), Wordpress (PHP), Word, Email